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Bariatric Surgery Specialist

Barrington Surgeons, LTD

Surgeon located in Barrington, IL

Barrington Surgeons are experts in bariatric surgery. Drs. Hoeltgen and Wool are the only recognized American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) Center of Excellence Verified surgeons at Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital. They are experts in sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, adjustable gastric banding, and revisional surgery.

Bariatric Surgeons



Daniel Hoeltgen, MD:

  • Bariatric Surgery Medical Director at Good Shepherd
  • Completed first bariatric operation at Good Shepherd
  • Over 20 years of experience in bariatric surgery.


Daniel Wool, MD:

  • Over 10 years of bariatric surgery experience
  • Completed bariatric fellowship at Stanford University under supervision of previous ASMBS president


Bariatric Surgery Q & A

What Are Bariatric Surgeries?

Morbid obesity is a growing problem in the United States. Bariatric surgery is the only proven method of enduring weight loss. It is a powerful tool when combined with regular exercise and dietary changes. Bariatric surgery can help cure or improve: diabetes, high blood pressure, acid reflux, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, degenerative arthritis, depression, and fatty liver disease. In addition, bariatric surgery may also improve your quality of life, reduce the risk of developing certain cancers, and increase your life expectancy. 

Bariatric surgeries are used to limit the space available in the stomach to help patients who are overweight to eat less and build healthier diets. Some of the most common bariatric surgeries include the laparoscopic adjustable band (lap band), a gastric bypass, and a gastric sleeve. Surgeries are performed either laparoscopically. Dr. Hoeltgen and Dr. Wool use da Vinci Robotic surgery technology for many of these procedures.

What Is a Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band?

A laparoscopic adjustable band, or lap-band, is a surgically inserted band used to help patients lose weight. The lap band reduces a patient’s stomach capacity by placing a band around the entry point to the stomach, only allowing a small amount of food to enter at a time. This reduces the speed at which a person eats as well as the amount of food that can be eaten in one sitting. Eating slowly allows the stomach more time to send satiety signals to the brain, allowing the patient to feel full faster and stay full for a longer period of time.













What Is a Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass?

This is the most tried and true method of surgery. Patients with a BMI (body mass index) of more than 40 and who suffer from diabetes are the prime candidates for this type of surgery. The procedure is done by making the stomach smaller by creating a small pouch at the top. This pouch is connected directly to the middle portion of the small intestine. The food bypasses the rest of the stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine. This procedure is most often done with small laparoscopic instruments. Barrington Surgeons is one of the select few practices to perform this procedure using the da Vinci surgical robot. Patients lose approximately 75 percent of their excess weight within the first 1 to 2 years after surgery.














What Is a Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy?

This bariatric operation has become the most popular in the United States. In this procedure, weight loss is achieved by removing more than 85 percent of the stomach. This procedure creates gastric restriction as well as hormonal changes. In some cases, the sleeve gastrectomy can be later converted to a gastric bypass in order to achieve greater weight loss. The Sleeve Gastrectomy can typically result in 60 percent of excess weight loss in the first year postoperatively.





















Who Benefits from Bariatric Surgeries?

Bariatric surgery is not for everyone. Patients who meet the following criteria are most likely to find success through these treatments:

  • Have a BMI of 35 to 39 with an obesity-related condition
  • Have a BMI > 40
  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Are not currently pregnant
  • Are prepared to make major life changes
  • Do not drink alcohol excessively
  • Other serious attempts to lose weight have been unsuccessful
  • Not suffering from any type of condition which could have caused you to gain weight
  • Are in good overall health

Learn more about Bariatric Surgery Here!

Audrey's Testimony
In high school I was active, played in marching band and played tennis, I was always a normal size. I ended up in an abusive marriage right out of high school and became a mom at 19. Ended up packing on the pounds and never was able to lose much without hitting a wall where the diet and exercise just quit working. I finally left that relationship about 9 years into it and just did not make myself a priority. I had an active job as a paramedic but also ate my way through all the delicious offerings the city of Chicago had to offer. I did the yo-yo diet thing on and off for a few years, losing 30-40lbs, hitting the wall, then gaining it all back again. I had always considered bariatric surgery as the "easy way out" and never really entertained it until I tried getting on the yo-yo again. I finally looked into it and realized it was far from the easy way out but if there is one thing I am, it's stubborn and I set my mind to it. Within six months of my first appointment I was getting ready to have gastric bypass.
My highest known weight to me was in 2012 and I was 305. I hated how I looked and felt. Most of that weight was dealing with a back injury after a car accident so once I got back moving after that I lost about 25lbs on my own without much trying. After that it was just a bunch of ups and downs. Now I'm down to 160-165 depending on the day from my initial consult weight of 275. I have taken up skydiving as a hobby and can confidently get on any roller coaster without fear of getting told I'm too large to ride. The amount of energy I have now is crazy, I never imagined I'd be on the downward slope to 40 and wanting to be this active. 
- Audrey